Teddy on a Mission

Just so you know, I am a traveling bear. This is a place where I can share text & pictures of the fun (and hopefully worthwhile) things I do with my unparents, Ken and Marijke.

Location: Greer, South Carolina, United States

I started this blog for the bear-loving friends in my church mostly since they were kind enough to send me on a mission trip to France. That was in 2006. Hopefully I'll get to go on other trips, too (like this most recent extended trip in 2009). But my main mission is to bear each blessed day with gratitude.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

In my office in Greer, SC

Dear Fans,

I sure wish I could figure out this webcam thing! But I probably won't be able to use it in France anyway in a few weeks. I'll do well to get pictures or information onto this blogspot from there.

I hope you check it from time to time - and join me in praying that we have enough workers, supplies and prayers to complete the construction project - on the fifth floor of the main camp building at Camp of the Peaks in Bourg D'Oisans.

I'll be taking some side trips in the Alps so you'll want to see if I get my picture taken on a toboggan! Hey, it'll be funny enough to see me with a hammer or a soup pot actually.

Love you lots - Teddy

P.S. I'll put a copy of my unparents' mission support letter on this site - and take it off after a while - just in case any of you want to send a donation. (You could put 'Teddy' on your check but 'France Team' would be less confusing for those in the church office!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how much I love your blog...and "TEddy!"

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

5:57 AM  

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