Teddy on a Mission

Just so you know, I am a traveling bear. This is a place where I can share text & pictures of the fun (and hopefully worthwhile) things I do with my unparents, Ken and Marijke.

Location: Greer, South Carolina, United States

I started this blog for the bear-loving friends in my church mostly since they were kind enough to send me on a mission trip to France. That was in 2006. Hopefully I'll get to go on other trips, too (like this most recent extended trip in 2009). But my main mission is to bear each blessed day with gratitude.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Real Live Missionaries at Our Church!

At church last night, we got to listen to a panel of missionaries as they answered questions about their lives: 1) in other countries, 2) at colleges in the States and 3) in our own town of Greenville! (Rev. Castro is starting a Spanish-speaking church right in one of our church buildings!) It's exciting to think that a lot of these hard working, full-time missionaries may have begun just like me - on short-term mission trips.

Anyway, my Sunday School class (named Faith) went over the top in preparing recipes from South Afrika. The other tables and foods looked just as scrumptuous but I stuck with ours and imagined myself in that country one day... You should have seen our table decor, by the way! Wonder if we'll win the prize.

I was just wondering if everyone liked the 'Frikkadels' I made? They were such tasty little meatballs. I was thinking of taking that recipe to France. Oh boy, that's another thing I've got to do - sort through my cookbook and figure out meals and desserts, etc. to make over there.

I did get some things done, you'll be happy to know - and I had my hair cut really short so I won't have to worry about it for a couple of months!!

Later - Teddy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Teddy,
Such a joy to read of your adventures. Pray that your trip will be the best.

4:02 PM  

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