Wonder Who's Going to Miss Whom the Most?
Well, Friends, I was just thinking about the stuff I'm going to miss when I'm in France. The rhodendrum blooms are one - and green leaves on most of the trees, I guess. But I can't complain really because there have been plenty of pretty blooms already - daffodils, hyacinths, forsythia bushes, Bradford Pear and Redbud trees. It's like they've been giving me a send off show.
I will miss my dog friend, Beau, but not as much as my unfamily. Good thing we've got this blogging thing down - that way I can check the progress of all my unsiblings. GREAT NEWS: one girl in the family is having her first baby!! Check it out! It's a good thing I won't be missing the big arrival in the fall - in Colorado Springs!! The place to go is www.bakercrowd.blogspot.com. Let me know what you think, 'K? -
Your very proud bear friend, Teddy
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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