Anyone Know How Far 35 Kilometers is?
That's how far this crazy bear biked today! Well, 34.5 to be precise! And you can see a lot of things in that distance. Naturally I have my favorite shots to share but, for the rest, you may want to visit the following link.
The weather was beary nice, that's for sure, and Oom Hans is such a gentleman - treating me to coffee and lunch at two different stops.
This is the way some of the dutch apparently send their brides and grooms off - in a car decorated with white ribbon. Aren't I the lucky bear to come upon this sight? What do you think of this idea, Caroline, Georgia, and Elloree?
love the pink and white sprinkles shot! Even though they aren't my favorite taste, i love that you are anticipating these little darling girls. :) N's is coming July 30th... at least that's the schedule!
WOW - I didn't know there was a date set! Let's see if her little one will wait that long, eh? And you? August first maybe? Just to give them different months!
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