Between Towns and Cathedrals
K, M and I always enjoy travelling in Europe. We like to spy on interesting cities along the way. One time we found this fruit just falling off the trees at a rest stop. Often we meet interesting people like Nigel and Audrey from England. Cathedrals like this one in Reims are worth more than just a passing glance, though.
It seems that there wasn't a castle or cathedral in all our travels that didn't have some sort of renovation being done to it. Makes for trickier pictures, that's for sure.
One thing's for sure, though, there was always a stitching project going on 'cause I can do that with my eyes on the road. (No, I don't drive at the same time.) These colors were being worked up into some Birthday Blocks which will be kept at Oma's house. That way she'll have a grandchild's initial and his or her birthdate right there to help her keep them all straight! Imagine! Six girls within 2-1/2 years. Five boys within 3-1/2!! Won't they have fun - and won't Oma and Pops get mixed up!!
'til next blog - Teddy Ricardo