Teddy on a Mission

Just so you know, I am a traveling bear. This is a place where I can share text & pictures of the fun (and hopefully worthwhile) things I do with my unparents, Ken and Marijke.

Location: Greer, South Carolina, United States

I started this blog for the bear-loving friends in my church mostly since they were kind enough to send me on a mission trip to France. That was in 2006. Hopefully I'll get to go on other trips, too (like this most recent extended trip in 2009). But my main mission is to bear each blessed day with gratitude.

Friday, June 09, 2006

B) I Miss All the Exercise I Got in France

My Bearness - I was in such good shape in France! It seems that there was no flat ground anywhere. Getting to the main building from the chalet by either the long or the short route was just as strenuous a hike. It was nice that the leaves weren't out yet so that we could see for great distances - and the water along the way from either the streams or fountains was quite refreshing (straight from the glaciers).
Some of us were still fitter than others, though. I couldn't get up to the top of this rock like Brad and Matt, for instance. I did try, though!! Later - T


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