Teddy on a Mission

Just so you know, I am a traveling bear. This is a place where I can share text & pictures of the fun (and hopefully worthwhile) things I do with my unparents, Ken and Marijke.

Location: Greer, South Carolina, United States

I started this blog for the bear-loving friends in my church mostly since they were kind enough to send me on a mission trip to France. That was in 2006. Hopefully I'll get to go on other trips, too (like this most recent extended trip in 2009). But my main mission is to bear each blessed day with gratitude.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cousin Marinke is FIFTY!!

I didn't get my picture taken with this wonderful cousin of Marijke's (and her family) but I won't soon forget the lovely meal we were served. The fish was cooked to perfection and never have I had such a delightful dessert (give me something cold and coffee-flavored any day of the week!) Unfortunately daughters Laura and Lily couldn't be at this last minute gathering but Marius and son Ludo were both such good company. If we lived in Holland, we'd be sure to get together as often as possible.

By the way, even the dog, Figo is a charmer; you should see the way he gently fetches his leash when he wants the guests to go home!

Obviously the above shots weren't taken at Marinke's birthday party; we visited a few days before. She actually wanted only the five of them for the celebration on Monday night (that's probably so there'd be enough cake for everyone - hee hee). I bet they had a sweet time but I wish I could have seen her face when she got her present from Laura! I got to see it when I was in Rotterdam a couple of weeks ago. This young lady was spending the night there in order to have room to work on her elaborate project. It took hours, I know - even with help from her Oma Anke. Imagine making copies of more than 175 family photos from the last 50 years and then printing, cutting and pasting them!

I always say that the gift of time is the best - whether someone makes picture collages or does a drawing, composes a song, or stitches something. Those are the kinds of gifts that are treasured for life!

We have had so many precious gifts on this holiday; friends and family have given their time in conversations - in person or on the phone - and in preparation of meals and beds, etc. Paying everyone back is not possible but hopefully we will continue to do the same for others when it's our turn. I just hope everyone calls ahead 'cause there's a chance that several families decide to take us up on our offer AT ONCE! That's OK, though - we would welcome them bearfully! T

Monday, June 22, 2009

Noah's ARK!!

This is one stop I REALLY wanted to make, ever since I saw pictures online some months ago. So, after a two hour drive by car, a twenty minute ferry ride to the island of Texel and a 6 km. bicycle ride, we arrived. And I was NOT disappointed at all. Not only did this carpenter build a 1/4 size model of Noah's real ark (which was huge) but he made sure that people touring inside would see pictures of other stories in the bible. The best part for me were the proofs that evolution is a joke and the world is nowhere near the age that some scientists and others believe. Pictures taken after the volcanic eruption of Mt. St. Helens, for instance, show how formations are made in VERY short lengths of time, thanks to the mass of rock moved in that event. Naturally the flood, with the weight of all that water, caused the earth's formations that some want to believe are millions of years old.

But, who am I but a humble bear. I do know that the more I read of the bible, the more I believe - and not just a couple of 'stories', either. After all, if God is big enough to make this whole planet and universe and ME so perfectly, then why couldn't he also do all the other miraculous things recorded in the bible! Some people just don't bother to read, let alone believe, God's love letter to us. That's up to them, I guess.

Once again I'll have to pass on the link showing the wonderful day we had on this quaint and secluded island north of Amsterdam. But I thought you'd like to see Ken's no-speed bike and the bag I travelled in on the back of Marijke's 7-speed. Turned out that the latter was the better choice, considering the wind we had to face on the return trip. It even made our cheese into a flag.

Meanwhile, if the Ark ever comes near you, go see it - you won't be sorry. - TR


Sunday, June 21, 2009


Danielle wrote on Ken's wall and we just got finished skyping with Schelyn so he has been properly congratulated on this special day!

In addition, though he's not MY dad, I thought it might be nice for me to dedicate a post to Ken and his recent paintings.

No, I didn't mean wall paintings - he's taking a break until someone needs a job done - maybe in Brittany at the end of August?

This is a dried up pot in Switzerland. There's nothing like having the proper supplies and tools, is there - for doing whatever painting your heart desires!

And here's a little something that he's made for Tante Magda - don't tell her - she'll see it tomorrow or the next day when we stay with her for a few more days. She asked him to do her favorite flower, the Columbine.

A Visit with a VERY Artistic Cousin

Marijke's cousin Michiel was kind enough to let us pop over (at last minute notice) to see what he was working on for next week's art show in his town of Voorschoten (near Delft). Several artists will be displaying their inspired works after each of them had individually spent a week on one of Holland's northern islands. Since we had just been on another such island the day before, we could really appreciate the scenery that Michiel was depicting.

As you can tell, he REALLY likes trees - finding and painting them; the older the better. And the mobiles are of pine cones he's collected from around the world. Apparently he puts a candle on one and as everything spins, the shadows are quite inspiring.

We got to see Marlies for a few quick minutes, by the way, as she was just leaving to teach an art lesson. Thanks for putting the coffee on for us - you're a doll.

Naturally not all these paintings are from that island (can't remember the name) but I think Ken is challenged to try some big pieces when he has a chance.

Maybe next time we'll get to see Marlies a bit more; and maybe it will be night time so we can see those shadows on the ceiling. (But I DID tell you that the sun doesn't go down until 10:30 now, didn't I? Not exactly the time a polite little bear should be out visiting.)

Next I'll show you a couple of works that Ken has done. They're not big but they're powerful and I'm proud of him! - Ted

Next Stop: Delft

I was so glad that K&M found a bear spoon from Delft. This is one town I'd wanted to see again and not just for its church and steeple (although it was magnificent and TALL, too!)

The day we went there was a competition of marching bands going on in the main square, and it was market day, too so it was quite crowded.

But guess what! We found another souvenir. This one is going to be used on the garden gate back home - remind me to take a picture of the finished job in September. We were trying to find a bell but decided we liked this heavy brass tap even better. Don't ask.

Yup - this in another town worth going back to again and again - crowds or not! And next time maybe they'll find a little delft blue bear for me!! - Love, T

How Could I Forget Haarlem?

Dear 'Fans',

Last Sunday Ken & Marijke took me to a delightful church in her home town of Haarlem which is near Amsterdam. We met members of the congregation and heard a beautiful yet small organ being played which was sweet. Ken is always thrilled to talk to folks whose mother-tongue is English but this particular time one of the ladies (Diana) was from his grandparents' village of Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, England. Small world, eh? One new friend, Mary let us use her cell phone to make sure that Marijke's cousin Ankje was still expecting us later that afternoon.

As usual, you can look at more pictures at the following link (there are lots of pictures of canals, ships, old homes, fancy front doors and the proverbial windmill.)


But here are some shots of the train station for the grands. We wanted to see how it had changed over these many years and were amazed that the parking and bus areas were being totally reconstructed. The double-decker bike racks are always a source of amazement for us. It'd be bit like 'Where's Waldo' trying to find where you'd parked your wheels after getting off the train, I expect. And of course you'd rather it wouldn't be raining, too - but for the dutch, that's just liquid sunshine.

We did get lost on our walking tour of the town later so you can say the next picture is the first time on record that Ken actually asked for directions (well, on foot anyway!)

By the way, we DID end up taking Ankje and Timmo out to eat at the beach Sunday evening but, alas, no pictures! And Pepijn didn't want to join us. He missed out. We ate well with the best atmosphere and company.

More on some other Molijn family members tomorrow 'cause one of Marijke's cousins is turning 50!! I won't get to go to her party but I did get to see her & part of her family recently - the day I visited Noah's Ark actually!!

Resting just long enough to feast on the latest memories, T