Dresden with Marga and Girls
The handy bag you see in this picture was a gift to Marijke from Tante Magda who remade it from HER mother's stitching bag. The fabric is so sturdy and is the same as that which is used for the traditional dutch skirts that you see on postcards, etc. What a treasure, to be sure.
For the record, I had to have surgery (after the incident with the dog in Eindhoven) but am good as new now. Bears recouperate a lot quicker than people, I'm told.
The pictures say it all for this blog (I think). But let me say that President Obama spent one night in this town before going to Normandy on June 6th. Now I can say that I was in TWO towns that he was! This second shot is of the hotel he stayed in.
I thought the church in Leipzig was impressive but the one in Dresden is even more amazing. You must google it and read about the dedicated restoration of this glorious place.
A parting glance:
it is so hard to believe how big those two girls have gotten~ and beautiful too!
we miss them.
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