Teddy on a Mission

Just so you know, I am a traveling bear. This is a place where I can share text & pictures of the fun (and hopefully worthwhile) things I do with my unparents, Ken and Marijke.

Location: Greer, South Carolina, United States

I started this blog for the bear-loving friends in my church mostly since they were kind enough to send me on a mission trip to France. That was in 2006. Hopefully I'll get to go on other trips, too (like this most recent extended trip in 2009). But my main mission is to bear each blessed day with gratitude.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

So Many Blessings to Bear

I have to tell you: the longer I'm back home, the more I realize that it's really good to be back at Pooh Corner. It's nice to remember this fantastic experience but every day can be a mission trip right where I am!

There is certainly enough work to do anyway! I've been helping my unsister with her bathroom tiles and kitchen cabinets 'cause she and her husband bought a house while I was gone. Also, there's a celing to fix in my unparents' bathroom (I left the water running in the sink above it - oops!).

All I need to do is look around and see how blessed I am - to have my health to do these kinds of jobs, as well as to be surrounded by lots of flowers, good friends & family to love on me! Maybe, if there's another chance to go, I'll just stay home! What do all of you say? Should I go or should I stay?

And now for a huge long bear nap. I can't even stay awake long enough for all the blueberries to ripen - that's some serious jet lag I'm suffering! Maybe you'll hear from me again one day - but probably not too soon. Meanwhile, I'll be dreaming of waking up to tea, coffee or hot chocolate with some of my favorite humans - with a spot of honey naturally!

With supreme thankfulness that you would take the time to read along with - and support this - 'Simple Missions-Minded Bear' (or is it 'Simple-Minded Missions Bear'?) - Love and bear hugs - Teddy Ricardo

Monday, June 12, 2006

Almost Time to Hibernate!!

Last night all the volunteers got together except Bill Cross (but he really was in France last month; we have pictures to prove it). Unfortunately, I think I must be slipping in and out of hibernation already 'cause I slept through the reunion! (Thankfully my Uncle Sam filled in for me in the group picture.)

The team had a great time looking at one another's pictures and laughing at themselves (Matt, you sure don't mind letting everyone know that you're scared of heights, do you?)

I'll include some shots of the construction project as it was left! What an improvement, eh? You can see the three steps to the floor process - cocoa pebbles, floating board and then top sheets. That last stuff was so powdery that it needed to be taken to the balcony to be cut - one floor down. But that didn't slow this team down much! They achieved a huge part of the goal and will look forward to the plumbing and bathroom work next year, Lord willing.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

If I Ever Get to Go Again...

My undad had already gone back to the States when the team got to spend some time in the quaint town of Annecy. I know Ken will also fall in love with its picturesque streets and magnificent lake so I definitely want to take him there (if there is a next time). You know how I love flowers and apparently there are lots hanging around this town a little later in the season. That would be a treat - and maybe I could stop for shopping...

You know how I love people, too so I especially look forward to seeing Robert again (he's here in this picture with Connie). The Guffey's should be at the camp next time, as well as the new camp director, Mark Neddo (whose picture I have not seen yet).

And then there's the exercise! I thought I'd try my hand at bungi jumping or paraponting next trip! I already had a little practice at free falling (too bad Jane's coat didn't catch me, though)...

Friday, June 09, 2006

C) I Miss the Shopping in France

Let me tell you about the shopping experiences I had. I mentioned the town of Venosc where it is possible to buy handmade souvenirs and local honey (YEH!); well, it is also possible to buy T-shirts and things at the ski resorts. But the most fun of all is going to the open-air markets. In Bourg d'Oisans, the market sets up weekly in one of the town's parking lots for the winter and then it is moved to two streets nearer the town center for the summer. You can buy everything from purses to pants to olives.

Sometimes it is necessary to go to the grocery stores, too but I don't mind. Both sides of one long aisle are devoted to chocolate! Here are some of my favorite forms of this 'black honey' but I didn't eat too many of these chocolate bears (the french word is 'ours')! Maybe I'll get over my aversion before my next trip. - TR

B) I Miss All the Exercise I Got in France

My Bearness - I was in such good shape in France! It seems that there was no flat ground anywhere. Getting to the main building from the chalet by either the long or the short route was just as strenuous a hike. It was nice that the leaves weren't out yet so that we could see for great distances - and the water along the way from either the streams or fountains was quite refreshing (straight from the glaciers).
Some of us were still fitter than others, though. I couldn't get up to the top of this rock like Brad and Matt, for instance. I did try, though!! Later - T

A) I Miss the Gardens and Towns of France

There were so many gardens (both cared for and carefree) and so many old towns that I could fill a book as big as Winnie the Pooh's. Here I am in the towns of Venosc where artisans sell their wares and Vissille (check out this team shot!) and also at this meaningful cross near 'Les Deux Alpes' ski resort. On one trip, after Le Perron, we came across too much snow on the road so Bob had to turn us around. I chose to get out of the van (figuring that it would be safer without my extra weight on board.) I'll try to blog those pics later... -T

Memories are Like the Flowers (and Weeds) of Life.

There are still so many things that I haven't blogged about - I'll do a few posts of good memories in a minute but first, here are a couple of things that I don't miss about the chalet: big mice (at last count there were 5 exterminated) and pretty big spiders! -T

To weed or not to weed?

Coming home is always nice - especially if there are flowers waiting in the garden. This hanging basket and rose are examples of blooms that require a bit of attention (and are well worth it, of course) but there are some things that seem to flourish without much help - like the blueberries. I can't wait 'til they get ripe!! (P.S. There are black raspberries growing out there, too - I can bearly stand it!) - T