Teddy on a Mission

Just so you know, I am a traveling bear. This is a place where I can share text & pictures of the fun (and hopefully worthwhile) things I do with my unparents, Ken and Marijke.

Location: Greer, South Carolina, United States

I started this blog for the bear-loving friends in my church mostly since they were kind enough to send me on a mission trip to France. That was in 2006. Hopefully I'll get to go on other trips, too (like this most recent extended trip in 2009). But my main mission is to bear each blessed day with gratitude.

Friday, March 31, 2006

What a Great Welcome

Well, I'm making up for lost time. No blogging for three days and then three times in one day! But there's so much to tell. Like how wonderfully peaceful this place is! And how great a welcome we've had already. The Lindquists had tidied our rooms for us, cooked a meal and brought fresh flowers. They are an awesome family - an invaluable asset to the Camp of the Peaks.

The first pictures are of my bed and the view from my room as well as of the front of our chalet (as we approach it from the parking area). This last shot shows the back of the chalet - you can see my bedroom window on the far right! I'll add a couple of pics of the team walking to work, too. Bob (the Builder) is pointing out the scenery on the right and then Robert Comte's house on the left. Don't forget to click on a picture to see it bigger!

Unfortunately, the weather was a little froggy when I took these shots. But Im happy to say that it has brightened up considerably and there should be some good shots of the Alps tomorrow when we go hiking... I might even get to go for a slide on a snowboard. Bet you can't wait to see that!

Love ya', Teddy.

I Made Up a Joke!

How can you tell when you're going away on a trip?

Answer: You receive a Bon Voyage card!!

I'm hilarious! - TR

Nous Sommes Arrivees

I think that's how one says "We Have Arrived". Anyway, I know you don't want all the boring details - or all the pictures either - but suffice it to say that this bear wasn't always thinking happy, kind thoughts on the three airplane flights, one train and one van ride to the Camp. One could have made it to Timbuktu in the same length of time, I believe, but then, I'm not really sure - having never been there. Let me tell you, though - the welcome and the beds were fantastic and I got to sleep two 6 hour stretches back to back! Amazing! More later - Teddy

P.S. That's Brad on his cell phone one final time in Greenville!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

This is The Day!!

Today's the Day!! I've got a hundred pounds of outfits in these two big bags of mine plus some favorite spices, etc.; even three pairs of cargo pants for the boys over there - thanks to Adrienne Stout! Pray we get through customs O.K. and that nothing gets lost. I'll be sure to pack my toothbrush in my pocket, of course.

I'll let you know how it went (provided I can figure out the computer over there - and provided my camera cord works, etc.) I've got my charger and a transformer, etc... If not - C'est la vie (as they say in France - That's Life!)

It's been fun tripping with you so far. Would you please pray for my unfamily while I'm gone (only three of them will be living in this house - you can see pictures on the famiy blog site: bakercrowd.blogspot.com) .

Last night the 'east coasters' met for dinner and I hardly did a thing, thanks to Nancy, Reid, Danielle, Will and Thomas (little Olice doesn't do much except supervise). Dot and Ray Somers came to eat with us (we adopted them 15 years ago) and I'd like to ask you to pray for them, too - as well as my other ungrandparents : Alan and Joyce Baker in New Jersey and Hans & Ine Schepers in Ontario. They are all feeling their age and I'll be quite sad and apprehensive to be so much farther away.

In case of an emergency, be sure to contact me at lrlindquist@compuserve.com. Things are not going too smoothly over there right now with the missionary family. I'm sure glad the rest of the team is there to support Rose (Lindquist) because she has had to tend to her husband, Lynn at the hospital - he was admitted two nights ago with what appeared to be heart pain. He is doing much better now and all the tests came back good - he is just very tired and really looking forward to being in his cozy home with all his five wonderful children. Our team has another job now - we'll be trying to help reduce whatever stresses we can from this devout and faithful family.

Rose's phone numbers, should you need them are:
home: 011-33-04-76-110-036 and cell: 011-33-06-33-371-463.

The time will go quickly, I bet, but I sure will miss y'all - Teddy

P.S. You can pray for me, too 'cause this is how I feel when I'm sleeping on a plane:

By the way, the address over there if you feel the urge to send me a postcard is:

Teddy Ricardo
c/o Camp des Cimes
La Rivoire
38520 Bourg d'Oisans

Monday, March 27, 2006

No More Secret Project!

Yeh!! I got to see our music director's face (Steve Lawton - the secret's out now) when we presented him with the finished stitching project! He was amazed and touched - especially when he saw all the names on the back! Remember how I told you that eleven of us 'Knitwits' stitched it and then others in the bell, chime and singing choirs contributed to help with the cost of framing? It reminds me of this trip to France - I'll be doing construction work and coooking for 6 weeks with the other team members but it wouldn't have been possible without the prayers and financial support of countless others who believe in work of the Lord! Next stop - France? - TR

P.S. I told you about clicking on these pictures to make them bigger on your screen, didn't I?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Installing the New Dishwasher

Here I am trying to figure out the electrical hookup for the new dishwasher. It'll be so nice for the kids when I'm gone next week. Good thing I'm so mechanically minded - I'll be a great help to the mission team! Love, Teddy

Some Habits are Better Than Others

Dear Fans,

As many of you know, I am a crochet addict - here's a picture of the piece I'm working on for the missionaries at the camp. (I figure that if I keep my hands busy with yarn - or crochet cotton, it will keep them out of the candy jar. Hee Hee.)

Bet you didn't know that I'm also a closet Sudoku master, though. For sure I'll be packing a book or two, nice pencils and a head lamp. I'm not so hooked, though that I can't share pages with people I sit with on the plane. (And I've also been known to teach a few passengers how to crochet on a long flight. Now THAT'S when I really get a thrill...)

I'll let you know how it goes - TR

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Won't find this in France, I bet!

Sure glad I got to stop into my favorite naughty eatery the other day. Don't you just love the color of coffee ice cream in a waffle cone? (It was sugar-free, by the way - I have to be careful 'cause the airlines have a weight limit.)
Love, Teddy

Friday, March 24, 2006

Real Live Missionaries at Our Church!

At church last night, we got to listen to a panel of missionaries as they answered questions about their lives: 1) in other countries, 2) at colleges in the States and 3) in our own town of Greenville! (Rev. Castro is starting a Spanish-speaking church right in one of our church buildings!) It's exciting to think that a lot of these hard working, full-time missionaries may have begun just like me - on short-term mission trips.

Anyway, my Sunday School class (named Faith) went over the top in preparing recipes from South Afrika. The other tables and foods looked just as scrumptuous but I stuck with ours and imagined myself in that country one day... You should have seen our table decor, by the way! Wonder if we'll win the prize.

I was just wondering if everyone liked the 'Frikkadels' I made? They were such tasty little meatballs. I was thinking of taking that recipe to France. Oh boy, that's another thing I've got to do - sort through my cookbook and figure out meals and desserts, etc. to make over there.

I did get some things done, you'll be happy to know - and I had my hair cut really short so I won't have to worry about it for a couple of months!!

Later - Teddy

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Me and the Team 'Leaders'

I was telling Bob to take good care of Jane and the other three team members 'til I arrive next week! By now they should all be at the Camp of the Peaks - after three plane flights and a very sleepless night. That's the part I'm NOT looking forward to... Talk with you soon - Teddy

More of the Send Off

Here are some more pictures of the 'send off' party. Of course Gary, Lindsay, and Ruth Whitley came (Jane's sister) and Matt's mom, Beth. Here's Stan sharing a 'last supper' with Connie before she leaves him - Chick Filet. Notice that I got to have a bite!

And They're Off

Yesterday I got to send off five of the France Team members! Please pray for Bob and Jane Caldwell, Connie Beasley, Ralph Mangum and Matt Moore.

My unmom and I got into one of the pictures and you can tell that our airport isn't too busy - even the ticket agents got into the photo.

Here's a shot of all of them on their phones one last time - they are so funny and I'm really looking forward to working with them.

More later - Teddy

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Wonder Who's Going to Miss Whom the Most?

Well, Friends, I was just thinking about the stuff I'm going to miss when I'm in France. The rhodendrum blooms are one - and green leaves on most of the trees, I guess. But I can't complain really because there have been plenty of pretty blooms already - daffodils, hyacinths, forsythia bushes, Bradford Pear and Redbud trees. It's like they've been giving me a send off show.

I will miss my dog friend, Beau, but not as much as my unfamily. Good thing we've got this blogging thing down - that way I can check the progress of all my unsiblings. GREAT NEWS: one girl in the family is having her first baby!! Check it out! It's a good thing I won't be missing the big arrival in the fall - in Colorado Springs!! The place to go is www.bakercrowd.blogspot.com. Let me know what you think, 'K? -

Your very proud bear friend, Teddy

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Just Another Day in Bearadise

Well, y'all (I'm getting so 'southern'), I was baking a couple of breaddy bears yesterday and was so proud of myself 'cause I got the kitchen all cleaned up afterwards - with my new french-looking rubber gloves. Then I fell into the dish water! Next thing I knew I was in the oven drying out. Oh well, it was a good time to review my 'to do' list - and naturally I added 'clean oven' to it. The bread was delicious, by the way and I've decided to wear some fancy ribbons on the plane - the French know how to dress, don't they!!? Later - TR

Thursday, March 16, 2006

How Will We All Get Along?

After yesterday's meeting with the team and our wonderful leaders, Bob and Jane, it was suggested that we put red ribbons on all our luggage in order to find it quicker at airports.

We discussed food, too (my favorite subject) and it was decided that the main meal should be in the evening - with a rotation of team members doing the dishes. That will work! Lunches will be soup and sandwiches and everyone will kind of do their own thing for breakfast. I didn't tell them that I can make lovely soft boiled eggs. And tea, of course... Wonder how many coffee drinkers will be in this crowd?

Oh, there's so much to think about - I almost can't bear
it! - Teddy
(P.S. Can you see how I got my last name??? Check out the name on my suitcase - by clicking on this picture!)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Getting Closer to Lift Off

Our team members, Bob and Jane Caldwell have been on a LOT of mission trips and know what they are doing...

Hello again. It's about time I introduced some of the members of the "France Team". At the table are Ken, Connie, Ralph, Brad and Bob, with Marijke and Jane behind. Sarah joined us later (see her pretty hairdo? - she was going out after our meeting) but Bill, Tom and Matt weren't present tonight. WOW - that's a lot of workers - and a lot of mouths to feed, too. Anyone got any good, hearty soup recipes that they want to send our way? With that good French bread, what could be better? Later - Teddy

Monday, March 13, 2006

Practicing Dish Washing

Good Morning, World. It's going to be a different kind of Monday, I can tell. Just when I was beginning to believe all would go smoothly until our departure, the dishwasher went capot. Guess I'll be getting some practice in ('cause there won't be a dishwasher in France!!) But for those 6 weeks, there will be fun team members willing to share in the joy of meal cleanup. This morning I'm going to have to tackle this unBEARable mountain all by myself. I can do it!! - Teddy

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Passport Check

It's Saturday morning, and when I got up early to walk the dog it was kind of froggy outside. Wonder if I'll see much of that weather in France. My flight is less than three weeks away and you'll be happy to know that my passport has arrived...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Camp of the Peaks, 8/05

The main building showing all five floors
One of the views from the Camp
One of the picturesque fountains
I wonder how different the Camp will look in April;
I can't wait to send pictures then.
Love, Teddy

Would you please support the work in France?

Here's the letter I promised - next I'll post a few pictures that were taken at the camp when I was there this summer. Love, Teddy

March 1, 2006

Dearest Friends and Family,

If you are getting this letter, it is because Ken and I know that you will want to hear about our upcoming trip to France at the end of this month. Many of you will remember that we have gone to the ‘Camp of the Peaks’ several times in the past to help with projects there or just to check on what others have done. (One year we even took our five kids over to ‘help’ for a week.) Anyway, thanks to many, many volunteers who have given of their time and resources, two of the four finished floors of the main camp building have been used for years to house campers. Various old ‘dormitory’ buildings on the property currently handle any overflow numbers. But thankfully there is a strong need for more bedroom space now, and a concentrated effort was begun last year on the unfinished fifth floor of this main building.

Thanks to last year’s efforts by team leaders, Bob and Jane Caldwell, and the myriad of workers then, the project is now approximately 2 months away from completion. Ken and I plan to help in any way we can (there will be cooking and cleaning, too, of course) for 6 of those 9 weeks. However, the project’s completion will require two things: prayer and funding. Without the finances for both supplies and the airfare/housing of volunteers, it will be impossible to finish this task. That’s why prayer is even more important than money. Would you please join us in asking God to lay it on the hearts of the people He needs to either give or go to France!?

Because you all know how much I love to write, I think you might forgive me if I share a fun story with you (it kind of goes along with this missionary stuff anyway).

Before Thanksgiving, I came across a manly looking piece of crosstitch fabric (it used to belong to my grandmother) – as well as a graph that reminded me so much of a dear friend, someone who is always selflessly doing things for others. Because this man is loved by so many people, I decided to propose that a small group of us work on this project rather than just myself. I was surprised at the positive reception of this idea and the smoothness & speed by which the work was passed from one pair of hands to another. Soon this crosstitch sampler will be framed and presented and people that see it won’t be able to tell that one person didn’t do the whole thing – truly (unless they look on the back and see all the signatures.)

Unfortunately, Ken and I may not be present when our friend receives this ‘work of art’ but that won’t matter. We will be able to imagine his delight just like we will be able to imagine the faces of the French campers who get to stay on the top floor for the first time this summer - in all those new beds. Naturally the camp project is a ‘bit’ grander than the fabric sampler I told you about – and the recipients are many as opposed to just one man, but I think you get the picture. In the work of the Lord, we can’t all be ‘stitchers’ but it is possible to show our love by giving to the cost of the ‘frame’. And we ALL get to sign our names – ‘stitchers’, ‘framers’ and pray-ers!

Thank you for the time you gave to read this letter and for anything you can do to help with the completion of the fifth floor at ‘Camp des Cimes’. Funds will be gladly accepted at Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church, 207 Mitchell Road, Greenville, SC 29615 – just mark ‘France team’ on your check. And God will answer your sincere prayers, I know.

Planning to keep you informed of His good work at the camp,
Marijke (& Ken) Baker

In my office in Greer, SC

Dear Fans,

I sure wish I could figure out this webcam thing! But I probably won't be able to use it in France anyway in a few weeks. I'll do well to get pictures or information onto this blogspot from there.

I hope you check it from time to time - and join me in praying that we have enough workers, supplies and prayers to complete the construction project - on the fifth floor of the main camp building at Camp of the Peaks in Bourg D'Oisans.

I'll be taking some side trips in the Alps so you'll want to see if I get my picture taken on a toboggan! Hey, it'll be funny enough to see me with a hammer or a soup pot actually.

Love you lots - Teddy

P.S. I'll put a copy of my unparents' mission support letter on this site - and take it off after a while - just in case any of you want to send a donation. (You could put 'Teddy' on your check but 'France Team' would be less confusing for those in the church office!)